Do you sell tickets for an event, performance or venue?
Sell more tickets faster with Eventfinda. Find out more. Find out more about Eventfinda Ticketing.


Main Resources

The API end points return resources. There is a different resource for each end point. For example the events end point returns an event resource and the location end point returns a location resource.

Dependent Resources

There are also dependent resources which do not have their own end point because they only make sense in the context of one of the main resources.


Each resource has several fields which are described for each resource. When using the end points you can specify which fields should be returned using the fields parameter in the format fields=resource_name:(field_name[,field_name,...])[,resource_name:(field_name[,field_name,...])]. For example,images),image:(transforms),transform:(url)

Will return only the id and images fields of the event resource. The images field contains a collection of image resources and we've specified to only return the transforms field which is a collection of transform resources and we've specified to only return the url field of that.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<error>An error occurred</error>


Each resource description has a table of fields with a description and an access column. The Access column will contain either All or Full. Full means the information is only available with full access and All means the field is available to all API users. Some fields will have an asterisk (*) with more information about the access in the description.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss upgrading your account to full access.

API Help & Support

For all API support enquiries please email