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Search Events

Searches the database and returns events matching the given criteria.

Example Request,name,sessions),session:(timezone,datetime_start)&q=concert&order=popularity

Example Response

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<error>An error occurred</error>

To include all available fields in the response remove the fields parameter from the request.


The following parameters are available along with the common parameters.


Return events associated with the given artist ids, multiple ids can be separated by commas.


Only return events in the category specified by this ID, or its descendant categories.

Specify multiple IDs by separating them with a comma (,).


Only return events in the category specified by this URL slug, or its descendant categories.

Specify multiple URL slugs by separating them with a comma (,).


Only return events in the collection specified by this ID.

Specify multiple IDs by separating them with a comma (,).


Only return events in the collection specified by this URL slug.

Specify multiple URL slugs by separating them with a comma (,).


Only return events on or before this date (format is ISO 8601, e.g. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss). The time part is optional. Defaults to 3 years from now if not specified.


If set to 1, only return events marked as featured.


If set to 1, only return free events.


Only return events in the location/venue specified by this ID, or its descendant locations.

Specify multiple IDs by separating them with a comma (,).


Only return locations in the location/venue specified by this URL slug, or its child locations.

Specify multiple URL slugs by separating them with a comma (,).


Specify the order the results should be in. Possible values are

  • date (default)
  • popularity
  • distance (only available with the point parameter)
  • distance_date (only available with the point parameter)


In the format latitude,longitude

This parameter only makes sense if you also specify the order and/or radius parameters.


Return events with a matching presented_by (case insensitive).



Return events who have a ticket type price less than this value


Return events who have a ticket type price greater or equal to this value


Only include events within the given kilometers of the given point

Would only return events within 5 kilometers of the point. Fractions of a kilometer can also be specified.


Only return events on or after this date (format is ISO 8601, e.g. YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss). The time part is optional. Defaults to current time if not specified.

Note that because the start_date defaults to now if you are requesting a past event by id, url_slugs, etc. you'll need to specify a start_date prior to the events start date.


If true only return events which are ticketed by Eventfinda.


Return events listed by the given username.

Formatting datetime_summary Field

The following parameters allow you to format the datetime_summary field on the event result using the standard strftime arguments.

Example Request

This request specifies a date_format or %A %e %B and a date_start_end_separator of until


Example Response

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<error>An error occurred</error>

The format of the date part. Default '%a %e %b %Y'


The format of the time part. Default is no time part, ''.


Character or characters to use to separate the date and time. Defaults to nothing, ''.


Character or characters to use to separate the start and end. Defaults to ' - '.

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